Full Products Listing

[products_list exclude_cats=”Massages,Yoga,Reflexology,Sauna” filter_title=”Services” show_thumbs=”true”]

Product List Shortcode

[products_list exclude_cats=”” filter_title=”” show_thumbs=””]


  • exclude_catsExclude specific categories from appearing in the list, leave blank to display all Example: Breakfast Menu,Dinner Menu
  • filter_titleThe title that appears in the right side filter Example: Menu Courses
  • show_thumbsEnable/disable thumbnail imagesExample: true, false

Toggle Products Listing

[products_toggle_list cats=”Yoga,Massages” show_thumbs=”true”]

Toggle List Shortcode

[products_toggle_list cats=”” show_thumbs=””]


  • catsSpecific categories to include in the list, leave blank to display all Example: Breakfast Menu,Dinner Menu
  • show_thumbsEnable/disable thumbnail imagesExample: true, false